We are John Hayes and Mark Michael, two friends and collaborators who endeavour to create original pastimes that unite family and friends.  

John Hayes is founder of the Winchester International Film Festival (now in it’s 11th year), editor-in-chief or SMUG satire magazine and author of the books The Art of Bing Human and Safe Space.

Mark Michael is a fine art artist who has exhibited around the world. He is front cover illustrator of SMUG satire magazine and author of the dark humour book Cold in the Sun

In 2020 we created the label Smugingtons Games from which to launch our creations. 

We are currently at the third and final Testing Stage of Parking Debacle.

If you’d like to be a Game Tester,  you can find out a little more about it by clicking the Become Game Tester button below. 

Game Testers so far

All rights to Parking Debacle are owned by co- creators John Hayes and Mark Michael, under the banner of SMUGingtons Games.

If you’d like talk to us about anything at all, please feel free to call us on +44 (0)7734470633 or email us at john@parkingdebacle.com

Fine art artist and author Mark Michael, co-creator of Parking Debacle.

SMUG satire magazine, founded by co-creator of Parking Debacle, John Hayes

Winchester Film Festival, founded by co-creator of Parking Debacle, John Hayes

Contact: john@parkingdebacle.com 
We’d be delighted to talk with you.